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Who We Serve
We proudly serve those on the front lines of public safety, defense, and emergency response by manufacturing high-quality protective equipment designed to support their mission-critical work. Our clients include:
- Federal, State, County, and Local Law Enforcement
- Fire and EMS
- Department of Defense
- Private Security Firms
- Corrections Officers
- International Law Enforcement and Military Personnel
We understand the unique challenges and risks they face daily, and we are committed to providing them with reliable, durable equipment that enhances their safety and effectiveness in every situation.
Why Slate Solutions?
We Are ISO Certified
Slate Solutions is ISO 9001:2015/BA 9000:2016 certified for the design and manufacturing of Body Armor. We are committed to providing the highest quality Body Armor products available.

NIJ Certified Armor
National Institute of Justice is the governing body that oversees performance standards and testing for ballistic armor, and the standard by which all commercially available body armor is judged for safety and ballistic stopping power.

Proven Performance
In the lab and out in the field

End-To-End Solutions
Encompassing our entire process

Our Capabilites
Skilled staff, state-of-the-art techniques

Quality Products
Tested & certified

Serviceable armor should never be removed from service until and unless a replacement armor is available for immediate wear. Agencies are urged to purchase armor that is compliant with the most current version of the standard because each subsequent version incorporates new understanding of body armor performance.